Volunteer Code of Conduct
To assure orderly operations and to provide the best possible volunteer experience, Gates of Hope asks and expects volunteers to follow rules of conduct that will protect the comfort and safety of all volunteers, employees, clients and visitors.
Always report client challenges or problems to a Gates of Hope overseer and do not try to resolve or defuse the situation on your own.
Follow all posted and verbal Food Safety Rules
Adults bringing young people to volunteer at Gates of Hope must keep them safe at all times and on site, not allowing them to wander around or leave the facility unsupervised.
Whenever possible let a Gates of Hope overseer know 24 hours in advance if you will not be able to be on time or you will not make it for your shift.
Follow all directions given by staff and overseers of Gates of Hope.
Refrain from alcohol and drug use while volunteering.
Volunteers who receive food and other goods for personal use will abide by the posted rules.
We ask that you please be respectful and refrain from yelling, harsh language, swearing, spitting, throwing object or leaving a mess in your area.
Dress Code Policy
The following types of clothing are considered unacceptable and if any volunteer coming here to Gates of Hope dressed in these types of clothes they will be asked to change or will be sent home.
Clothing that has vulgar or offensive pictures, images or gang symbolism.
Clothing that is too revealing. (Left to a Gates of Hope Overseers discretion)
Sagging pants will not be tolerated here, please bring a belt with you to wear while performing your service.
Code of Conduct Continued
Failure to comply with any part of the expected Code of Conduct will be addressed by a Gates of Hope overseer for disciplinary action. The following behaviors are considered unacceptable here and will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or termination of the volunteer position at once.
Fighting or threatening violence.
Theft of Gates of Hope property, or belongings of staff, clients or from other volunteers.
Breaking and entering into Gates of Hope facilities, vehicles or other property.
Negligence or improper conduct leading to bodily harm, damage of agency, other volunteers, clients or property.
Refusal to comply with reasonable instruction/direction or other disrespectful conduct, including making false, vicious or malicious statements concerning any overseer, volunteer, client, or the agency or its services.
Any form of harassment (verbal, physical, sexual) or confrontation towards clients, volunteers or staff.
Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms while volunteering.
Allowing non-volunteers to enter Gates of Hope facilities without supervisory permission.
Not following safety rules, regulations, code of conduct or procedures