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Worship, Walk and Work

By Ron Bernier

Master Builder's Church

In my devotional readings this morning, the theme of God’s holiness was clear. Considering this theme, should make us inquire, “How are we to worship, walk, and work in a way that brings pleasure to Him?” In reading one of David’s psalms, he reveals the same question presented to the Lord in his petition.

“Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.” Psalm 25:4-5

In our church are three banners which depict the central vision of our church, to “Exalt the Lord”, to “Equip the Saints”, and to “Extend the Kingdom.” David’s prayer touches on these three ideas: worship, walk, and work. We learn God’s ways through our approach to worship, exalting His name. We learn His paths as we walk in His instruction for our lives, being equipped for every good work. We are lead in truth as we accept the assignments He gives us to extend His kingdom on this earth.

All of this happens as one looks to the Lord, who is the “Author” and “Finisher” of our faith, the God of our salvation. Waiting for Him all day long, as David proclaims, is not a passive stance, but an active participation with complete yielding and submission to the Lord’s shaping and directing. Yes, Lord help us to worship, walk, and work in a way that reveals Your truth and brings You glory. For this we pray, trusting in You all day long.

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