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Who is a Faithful and Wise Servant?

By Pastor Ronald Bernier, Master Builders Church, Fall River

It is interesting that Jesus posed this question after explaining the conditions of the tribulation and signs of the times at His coming. Whatever you particular thought is about eschatology, you cannot deny the clear instruction that Jesus gives through His teachings. Whether it is speaking of “The Faithful Servant”, “The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins” or the “Parable of the Talents,” there is a common thread: dutiful serving, watchful preparation and on-going development of stewardship.

To the question of “Who is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?” Jesus replies, “Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Assuredly, I say to you that He will make him ruler over all his foods” (Matthew 24:45-47).

So many people seem to be settled in what they did in the past and not focused on what they are called to do in the present. Like the church of Sardis, they might have a name that seems alive, but they are really dead. Serving the Lord is a day-to-day call to stewardship. It is a recognition that we have been bought at a price and therefore, desire to love Him through service. We have been translated into His kingdom and therefore are always ready to serve, watch, and to steward all He has entrusted into our care. His Word speaks of increasing assignments as we are faithful in our present stewardship.

Perhaps it is good for us to ask the Lord what His evaluation of our stewardship is? If we need to change our thinking or acting, may we repent and begin to be faithful with His stewardship. If you have just been focused on the past or the future, may you also see the Lord as the Resurrection and the Life present today also. May He give all of us the vision and strength to be serving Him faithfully today and always.

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