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Walk before Me...”

By Ronald Bernier, Master Builder Minisries, Fall River, MA.

I have changed my routine in the early morning, still doing my devotional time, reading the Bible and praying. But instead of writing devotionals, I have been taking long walks. Mostly these walks are in quiet meditation, short prayers and listening. My wife has been accompanying me as we walk trusting God to do a great work in our city as He completes the work He has purposed in our lives.

With my granddaughter sleeping over last night, I went for an early morning walk without waking the others. As I walked, I spoke to the Lord, “You have been quiet.” There are those times when it just seems that we must walk faithfully and trust that the Lord knows all and is working where we cannot see. As I came back home, the Scripture that came to my memory was Genesis 17. There God addresses Abram after many years following the first promise that God gave. Note that Abram is now 99 years old. This is nine years more than the first time he heard God’s promise. Here is the direction God gives him:

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” Genesis 17:1-2

Just a couple of thoughts here. First, God reveals Himself as “Almighty!” There is nothing more powerful than God. He can do whatever He desires to do. There is no mountain to big, nor valley too low. His arm is not short that He cannot save, nor is He hindered by any enemy force. He will bring about what He desires, we must just believe.

The second thing is that Abram is told to simply walk before God, live his predestined life before God. He does not need to strain, just walk. Walking redeeming the time, being vigilant and showing faithfulness. In addition, he is to walk blameless. How we walk is important to our testimony and testifies about the God we serve.

We cannot be compromising, flirting with sin or becoming like the culture we live in. Our call is to be holy and blameless before God. Walking and being blameless was Abram’s role. Being Almighty was God’s role. May God Almighty perforce His Covenant with our generation as we walk blameless before Him.

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