By Pastor Ron Bernier
Master Builder Church
This morning I could not of heard a clearer word, "rest." It was like the Lord was giving me permission to do so. I read through my normal Bible regiment, but just settled in and closed my eyes and rested. In music, when you have a rest, it is particularly inserted in the musical score to pause for a certain set time. Like a comma in a sentence, it provides a time to take a breath and put greater emphasis on what is about to be heard. Without a rest, all the words or music would run into each other and become unintelligent or even chaotic. Life can get that way also if we do not have seasons of pause or rest. This is one reason for the Sabbath, it is a time of rest, to stop from our labors and focus on the goodness and provision of the Lord - to worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.
Psalm 37 gives us a great picture of our inheritance in God. It is set with a backdrop of all the evil and unrighteous people do. They even seem to prosper in their folly, which for most of us it gives us concern. But the Lord, instructs us to not fret over these matters, to not be envious or even angry, but instead, to keep our eyes focused on Him and to delight in Him. Many words in this psalm speak of how we are to focus: "trust in the Lord", dwell in the land", "do good", "feed on His faithfulness", "delight yourself in the Lord"and "commit your way to the Lord". Beyond this the Psalmist writes:
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him." Psalm 37:7
There is an inheritance for those who trust in God. Their steps have been ordered by God. The "salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in time of trouble, and the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him" (Psalm 37:39-40
May we put our trust in the Lord and find the rest that He has purposed for our lives. We can only truly find that rest by walking in faith and committing our ways to the Lord. If we delight ourselves in Him, "He shall give you [us] the desires of your [our] heart" (Psalm 37:4).