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If ...ask what you desire...

By Pastor Ronald Bernier, Master Builder Ministries, Fall River, MA.

The Lord calls us to be fruitful, not just a hint of fruit, but much fruit. In speaking of the True Vine and our role as His branches, Jesus brings out some conditions and a promise.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” John 15:7-8

Many people read this verse and see in bold letters the part of having their desires answered. What must be seen is the condition of this promise and the motivation of the prayer. First, is our residence. We are called to abide, make our permanent dwelling, in Jesus. Our relationship to Him is the foundation to the virtue that we seek. His grace precedes our salvation and sanctification. What He has done for us provides the forgiveness needed and the relationship that will secure the walk we intend to live out.

Next, is the receiving of His word abiding in us. We take serious the instruction given and seek to live out, with great devotion, His instruction. You could say that virtue precedes doctrine, but both are necessary to have our minds transformed. With this in place we can pray our desires, which line up with His desires. In other words, God has a plan, and when we abide in Him and His words abide in us, we pray the release of that plan in our lives. It is already in His heart to do, therefore, the answer is positive and affirmative.

In the process of abiding in Jesus, having His word abiding in us, prayer becomes the vehicle of releasing His desires through our lives. In walking as His revealed disciples much fruit is produced and God is glorified. May our prayers be answered, as we pray according to His will, abiding in Him and allowing His Word to abide in us. This is where we see mountains moved and what is impossible for men become possible through God. Heaven touches earth through a people who rise up and pray. Let’s believe for miracles!

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