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Do Not Fear What You Shall Suffer

Pastor Ronald Bernier

Master Builders Chruch, Fall River

It has been said that every man has his price. This seems to imply that when pressure comes to bear, that the cry for relief is coupled with compromise to change the situation, regardless of principle. For the Christian, pressure and persecution has the potential to develop character, conviction and Christlikeness.

The ultimate victory is not in this world, or the things of this world, but in Christ. Whatever we try to hold on to here, can be a detriment to our ultimate freedom. Learning to release earthly expectations generates true joy and hope for eternal promises. Herein lies the great battle we face. A battle of fidelity to Christ. I like what William Barkley wrote about this:

“Fidelity to Christ may bring death on earth, but it brings life in eternity. Infidelity may save a man’s life on earth, but in the end it brings something far worse; it brings the death of the soul. The man who is faithful unto death dies to live; but the man who saves his life at the cost of principles and at price of his loyalty to Christ lives to die.” - William Barclays

We do well to consider and head the words of Christ given to the church at Smyrna:

“. . . Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saws to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.” Revelation 2:10-11

May our ultimate perspective be eternal not carnal. For it is with the former view that we can walk with fidelity in the present, knowing that our reward is reserved for eternity.

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